Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Young Lords Nationalist Party free essay sample

When we speak of revolutionary leaders we immediately think of Mandela, Malcolm, King, Lincoln, Kennedy, and Gandhi. They are wonderful examples of virtue, but others immediately come to my mind like Ramon Emeterio Betances, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos, Lolita Lebron, and the Young Lords. The Young Lords have had a great impact on the lives of Hispanic Americans and on my life personally. The Young Lords instilled a sense of Puerto Rican pride during a time when Puerto Ricans were looked at with great racial, cultural and language discrimination as well as economic exploitation. They changed the sanitation standards on inner city streets, started free children’s breakfast programs when the city wouldn’t, provided free medical care in el Barrio, free clothing drives, free classes on Puerto Rican history, and many other community building programs all while facing forceful opposition from the city of New York, the NYPD, and the FBI. We will write a custom essay sample on The Young Lords Nationalist Party or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The story of the rise and fall of the Young Lords is motivating and inspiring for current and future revolutionary Puerto Ricans. In 1969, a young socially conscious group of Puerto Rican college students gathered together to discuss the issues that plagued El Barrio (Spanish Harlem). They eventually called themselves â€Å"Sociedad de Albizu Campos†. They named themselves after El Maestro, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos; Harvard educated lawyer, President of the Puerto Rican National Socialist Party and one of the most beloved freedom fighters in Puerto Rican history. This organization included founding members such as Pablo Guzman, Juan Gonzalez, Felipe Luciano, David Perez, Juan Ortiz and Mickey Melendez. Five months after continuous meetings, they realized they no longer needed to talk about the problems that plagued Spanish Harlem but they needed to act on them. While reading the Black Panther paper, they found out that there was an organization of a group of Puerto Ricans called the Young Lords in Chicago also fighting for Latino rights. They meet with the Chicago Young Lords Organization and formed a union. They were now the New York State Chapter of The Young Lords Organization. After questioning the Spanish Harlem community on what the most pressing issue was, they heard la basura (garbage) over and over. The New York City Department of Sanitation at the time was all white and did not see the point in cleaning the streets or picking up trash in the ghetto, so for months at a time they left Puerto Rican neighborhoods rotting and filth ridden. The Young Lords Organization went to the Sanitation department to ask them for brooms and shovels so they could clean the area themselves but were denied. They grabbed the brooms and shovels, yelled that they would return them and ran. The YLO including Juan Gonzales and Felipe Luciano swept the streets and put all the garbage in bags, only for no sanitation to pick it up a week later. This went on for two more weeks with more and more of the community joining in on the cleaning, with no sanitation picking up the garbage. Finally, after a month of no trash removal, it was all gathered into the middle of the street blocking car and bus traffic and set on fire. The YLO figured if the busses couldn’t move NYC could not make money and they would have to pick up the garbage. Now firefighters had to come put out the fire, and police had to come investigate, and sanitation still had to remove the debris to open up traffic all because they refused to do it before. This went on week after week on block after block until sanitation started coming on a regular basis, this was known as the East Harlem Garbage Offensive. Now that the Young Lords were known throughout el barrio, young Puerto Ricans were flocking to join the YLO. African Americans, Cubans, Dominicans, Mexicans, and other Latinos also joined. They were workers, students, unemployed, and Vietnam War veterans. Pablo Guzman, their Minister of information, suggested they have their core principles written and outlined for all to read. There was only one issue which was corrected, point number ten originally said â€Å"Machismo must be revolutionary, not oppressive†, but after some discussion it was agreed that Machismo is oppressive so it was revised. The 13 point program reads as follows: The Young Lords Party is a Revolutionary Political Party Fighting for the Liberation of All Oppressed People (Corrected Version) 1. We want self-determination for Puerto RicansLiberation of the Island and inside the United States. For 500 years, first spain and then united states have colonized our country. Billions of dollars in profits leave our country for the united states every year. In every way we are slaves of the gringo. We want liberation and th e Power in the hands of the People, not Puerto Rican exploiters. Que Viva Puerto Rico Libre! 2. We want self-determination for all Latinos. Our Latin Brothers and Sisters, inside and outside the united states, are oppressed by amerikkkan business. The Chicano people built the Southwest, and we support their right to control their lives and their land. The people of Santo Domingo continue to fight against gringo domination and its puppet generals. The armed liberation struggles in Latin America are part of the war of Latinos against imperialism. Que Viva La Raza! 3. We want liberation of all third world people. Just as Latins first slaved under spain and the yanquis, Black people, Indians, and Asians slaved to build the wealth of this country. For 400 years they have fought for freedom and dignity against racist Babylon (decadent empire). Third World people have led the fight for freedom. All the colored and oppressed peoples of the world are one nation under oppression. No Puerto Rican Is Free Until All People Are Free! 4. We are revolutionary nationalists and oppose racism. The Latin, Black, Indian and Asian people inside the u. s. re colonies fighting for liberation. We know that washington, wall street and city hall will try to make our nationalism into racism; but Puerto Ricans are of all colors and we resist racism. Millions of poor white people are rising up to demand freedom and we support them. These are the ones in the u. s. that are stepped on by the rules and the government. We each organize our people, but our fights are against the same oppression and we will defeat it togethe r. Power To All Oppressed People! 5. We want equality for women. Down with machismo and male chauvanism. Under capitalism, women have been oppressed by both society and our men. The doctrine of machismo has been used by men to take out their frustration on wives, sisters, mothers, and children. Men must fight along with sisters i the struggle for economic and social equality and must recognize that sisters make up over half of the revolutionary army: sister and brothers are equals fighting for our people. Forward Sisters in the Struggle! 6. We want community control of our institutions and land. We want control of our communities by our people and programs to guarantee that all institutions serve the needs of our people. Peoples control of police, health services, churches, schools, housing, transportation and welfare are needed. We want an end to attacks on our land by urban removal, highway destruction, universities and corporations. Land Belongs To All The People! 7. We want a true education of our Creole culture and Spanish language. We must learn our history of fighting against cultural, as well as economic genocide by the yanqui. Revolutionary culture, culture of our people, is the only true teaching. 8. We oppose capitalists and alliances with traitors. Puerto Rican rulers, or puppets of the oppressor, do not help our people. They are paid by the system to lead our people down blind alleys, just like the thousands of poverty pimps who keep our communities peaceful for business, or the street workers who keep gangs divided and blowing each other away. We want a society where the people socialistically control their labor. Venceremos! 9. We oppose the Amerikkkan military. We demand immediate withdrawal of u. . military forces and bases from Puerto Rico, Vietnam and all oppressed communities inside and outside the u. s. No Puerto Rican should serve in the u. s. army against his Brothers and Sisters, for the only true army of oppressed people is the peoples army to fight all rulers. U. S. Out Of Vietnam, Free Puerto Rico! 10. We want freedom for all political prisoners. We want all Puerto Ricans freed because th ey have been tried by the racist courts of the colonizers, and not by their own people and peers. We want all freedom fighters released from jail. Free All Political Prisoners! 11. We are internationalists. Our people are brainwashed by television, radio, newspapers, schools, and books to oppose people in other countries fighting for their freedom. No longer will our people believe attacks and slanders, because they have learned who the real enemy is and who their real friends are. We will defend our Brothers and Sisters around the world who fight for justice against the rich rulers of this country. Que Viva Che Guevara! 12. We believe armed self-defense and armed struggle are the only means to liberation. We are opposed to violencethe violence of hungry children, illiterate adults, diseased old people, and the violence of poverty and profit. We have asked, petitioned, gone to courts, demonstrated peacefully, and voted for politicians full of empty promises. But we still aint free. The time has come to defend the lives of our people against repression and for revolutionary war against the businessman, politician, and police. When a government oppresses our people, we have the right to abolish it and create a new one. Boricua Is Awake! All Pigs Beware! 13. We want a socialist society. We want liberation, clothing, free food, education, health care, transportation, utilities, and employment for all. We want a society where the needs of our people come first, and where we give solidarity and aid to the peoples of the world, not oppression and racism. Hasta La Victoria Siempre! This 13 point program served as a structure and frame work for, not only those who wanted to learn about the Young Lords, but it allowed current Young Lords to keep their focus on what was important. In October 1969, the Young Lords began a free breakfast and lead poisoning detection program in the community. Through the lead poisoning detection program, it was discovered that 1/3 of the children in East Harlem had abnormally high levels of lead in their blood. As a result of the YLO’s program legislation was passed banning the use of lead based paints in apartment buildings and landlords would have to go in and remove all lead based paint from any apartments that had it. The need for space was growing and they needed a warm place to work from, so in December they asked the Methodist church on 111th St and Lexington Ave if they could work out of the church when it was not having services, they were denied. That Sunday, Felipe Luciano followed by the Young Lords and community supporters went to â€Å"testimonial†. As he stood up to speak to ask why the Church denied them the service, 25 uniformed officers who had been following the Young Lords, attacked and beat Luciano, the Young Lords, and their supporters. The officer’s arrested 13 Young Lords on various offenses including riot, disrupting a religious service, and assault. The community rallied around the Young Lords â€Å"taking† the church two weeks later. It was renamed â€Å"People’s Church† and for 11 days they held breakfast programs, clothing drives, a liberation school, political education classes, a daycare program, health programs, and nightly entertainment including movies, bands, and poetry all free of cost. Over three thousand people came to take part and take advantage of these services, known as the People’s Church Offensive. After an 11 day occupation of the church, 105 Young lords and supporters were arrested. While being arrested they sang â€Å"que bonita bandera†, to signify Puerto Rican pride and the NYPD’s failure to break their spirits. Around this time drugs were flooding the ghettos of New York, and the YLO noticed. From January to March they engaged in many street battles with the NYPD, for not stopping the drugs from coming into these neighborhoods but busting the junkies and not the dealers. They were also able to get many junkies off drugs and become helpful within the movement. It was around this time two things happened, the New York Chapter of the Young Lords parted ways from the Chicago Young Lords and became The Young Lords Party, due to differences. The FBI also began paying very close attention to every member of the YLP and their supporters, using their Counter Intelligence Program or COINTELPRO, they gathered information, listened in on phone calls, and infiltrated the YLP organization. The Young Lords saw that the health needs in el barrio was more than they could handle, so a sub organization was ormed from Doctors and healthcare workers called, the Health Revolutionary Unity movement (HRUM). The Young Lords Party and the HRUM did TB testing in public housing and apartments, and found high percentages of people testing positive. At the time, the city had a TB testing truck but it somehow never made into el barrio, so they liberated the truck, and took chest X-rays of hundreds of people in the community. In July 1970, the YLP and HRUM took Lincoln Hospital, a hospital which was condemned by the city yet reopened without any renovation for the minorities in the South Bronx. One of the programs to help the community was a Detox program for those needing help coming off of Heroin. YLP proved its point by its actions, Lincoln Hospital saw on average 300 people a week when run by the city but 300 people a day while run by the YLP. On September 22nd and 23rd, 1970 a joint conference was held on, the liberation of Puerto Rico, by the YLP and the Puerto Rican Students Union at Columbia University, where over 1,000 high school and college students attended. At the conclusion of the second day, they all marched from Columbia University to Plaza Borinquen in the south Bronx. On October 1970 the YLP spread word to all the Puerto Rican Student Unions in NYC and nearby cities that there would be a march on the UN, 10,000 people showed up calling for an end to police brutality, release of the Nationalist Party political prisoners in prison since the 1950s, and independence of Puerto Rico. Juan Gonzalez stated in an interview, â€Å"As soon as the Young Lords stepped into dealing with the issue directly of the independence of Puerto Rico, we were immediately subjected to a much stronger vigilant investigation. † The false arrests made on the Young Lords were stepped up and more officers were placed undercover to infiltrate the organization. Declassified COINTELPRO files state, â€Å"The Bureau is considering the feasibility of instituting a program of disruption to be directed against organizations which seek independence for Puerto Rico through other than lawful, peaceful means. Because of the increasing boldness apparent in the activities of such organizations, their utter disregard of the will of the majority, the inevitable communist and/or Soviet effort to embarrass the United States, and the courage given to their cause by Castros Cuba, we must make a more positive effort, not only to curtail, but to disrupt their activities. Director to SAC, San Juan, Aug. 4, 1960 It is believed that upon instituting a counterintelligence program in this field, efforts should be directed with the following aims in mind: I. Disruption and discord. II. Creating doubts as to the wisdom of remaining in the independence movement. III. Causing defections from the independence movement. Director to SAC, New York, Nov. 15, 1960 (p. 1 only) Your files will contain descriptive information appropriate to our investigative reporting. We should, however, for the purposes of this program, delve deeply into that part of their lives which do not show on the surface; for example, we must determine their capabilities of influencing others, capabilities of real leadership, why the intense desire for Puerto Ricos independence, what they expect to gain from independence, and the support they have from other leaders and rank-and-file members. We must have information concerning their weaknesses, morals, criminal records, spouses, children, family life, educational qualifications and personal activities other than independence activities. Director to SAC, San Juan, June 12, 1961† We saw evidence of this as Julio Roldan, a member of the Young Lords Party, was arrested for allegedly setting garbage on fire in the middle of the street after sanitation went back to the practice of not collecting trash in el barrio. The next day, it was reported Julio and 8 other inmates committed suicide by hanging in a prison, in Tombs. These shady circumstances got even more questionable when the Young Lords Party gathered an independent autopsy, where Julio was found to have a fractured skull and bruises to his body. In response, the YLP lead a march of over 2,000 people with his casket through the streets, where 200 Young Lords reoccupied the Methodist Church in Spanish Harlem. This time, hidden in Julio’s casket was an arsenal of weapons. YLP occupied the church for several weeks where they made a demand for a Legal Aid Center for inmates and city investigation into the prison system. This was their Fourth Offensive. In 1971, the prisoners in the Attica Correctional Facility had enough of the same mistreatment that the YLP spoke out against. They rioted, took control of the prison and took hostages. The prisoners requested the Young Lords Party be present in negotiations. The YLP met with the inmates and prison administrators, they spoke on the behalf of the prisoners to negotiate a peaceful end to the standoff. However, on the order of Governor Nelson Rockefeller, police were to take the prison by force. This ended in the injuries of 89 people and deaths of at least 39 people, including ten correctional officers and civilian employees. All which could have been avoided by heading the warnings of the YLP and allowing them to negotiate. By 1976, the Young Lords Party disintegrated due to the success of COINTELPRO, police infiltrators and agitators, and self-implosion similar to the Black Panther Party. Ansel Herz, journalist and Young Lords documentarian states, â€Å"The New York Young Lords broke under the weight of unrelenting police harassment and infiltration, compounded by a series of tactical missteps that ignored the main source of their strength – their support from the Puerto Rican urban poor. These communities were oppressed and ignored, rather than represented, by social institutions. The Young Lords stepped into that vacuum and restored a sense of pride and togetherness to â€Å"El Barrio† in East Harlem. But the leadership of the organization subsequently turned its focus away from the direct action campaigns that inspired unprecedented solidarity in the ghetto. The group’s paramilitary structure was over-dependent on the charisma and cooperation of a few leaders and failed to recognize the voices of the Young Lords’ rank and file members. An attempt to open a revolutionary front on the island of Puerto Rico proved to be a fatal mistake, spreading the organization too thin, diverting resources from community programs, and initiating an acrimonious factionalism in the leadership from which the Lords would not recover. With much of the original leadership resigned or exiled, a hardline Marxist clique took over the Lords and it disintegrated. † The Young Lords are known for its free community programs, it’s direct in your face responses to police injustice, and instilling Puerto Rican pride and culture in its community. I will remember the Young Lords for a more personal reason. Before I was ever born my family was given a chance for a better life all thanks to the Young Lords. In the early 1970’s, the waterfront pier in Columbia Heights was rat infested slums. My father was working 2 jobs and still struggling to support my mother and two brothers. The apartment they lived in should have been condemned due to infestation, my father wrote to the city for help and was put on a waiting list for public housing for months. Out of desperation he contacted the Young Lords for any help they could give. They took all of my parents’ information and within the month they were moving to a project in Flushing, Queens. The Young Lords did what the city of New York refused to do, improve the quality of life and safety for my family, and I am indebted to them. This is the mark they have left on my life and the lives of thousands of Puerto Ricans and Latinos in New York. The Young Lords cared for Puerto Ricans and all minorities when New York didn’t. Unfortunately history did not pay them the same respect, as many next generation Puerto Rican New Yorkers don’t know who to thank for the improved conditions they live in compared to the 1960’s, they are our forgotten revolutionaries. Abramson, Michael.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Write an Autobiography Essay

How to Write an Autobiography Essay How to Write an Autobiography Essay You will be asked to write an autobiographical essay at some point of your academic life. Usually, an autobiographical essay is required when applying for a scholarship. For some students writing this type of essay is a threatening and an impossible task; for others, it comes naturally. If you fall under the first category, here are some useful tips on writing an autobiography essay. How to write an autobiography essay? First and the most essential thing about writing an autobiography essay is that you should chronologically list the events of your life. For example: â€Å"I was born in 1987 and I went to kindergarten in my hometown. I studied in Coyote High School and etc.† Yes, an autobiographical essay is about you but you must pick a topic about yourself that will show who you are, what drives you and what makes you special. It is true that not all of us have the most amazing childhood in the world. It would be good if we could start our autobiographical essay with how we went to South Africa and helped on a voluntary project but not many of us have that kind of experience. Do not worry about that though. When writing an autobiographical essay focus on your life, your family, the region you are born in, etc. There is so much about you, your family and culture that you accept it as everyday boring events but actually, it can be of great interest to the person reading your essay. The purpose of the essay is to highlight the best in you. So brainstorm on your culture, your holidays, and your lifestyle. Have you grown up in the countryside or in a big town? Do you enjoy hiking, surfing, skiing, horse riding, etc.? Gather all interesting moments and aspects of your life and turn them into an engaging essay. Pick up positive moments and experiences or a specific story that will grab the audience’s attention. Structure and body of an autobiographical essay The structure and body of an autobiographical essay are the same as any other kind of the essay. You start with an introduction. The purpose of the introduction in an autobiographical essay is to describe your strongest qualities which you believe will help you get the scholarship by telling a specific story or by summarizing more than one. The introduction has to be strong and captivating. You may start with a line like At the moment I was falling from the tree I have realized †¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"The first day my mother/father made me †¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"There is nothing more worse than a dream come true and I realized that when †¦Ã¢â‚¬  See, it grabbed your attention so it will also interest the attention of others. One of the ways to understand whether you are writing a good autobiographical essay is to give it to someone to read; in fact, show it to more than one person. After that continue with the body of the essay. Its purpose is to strengthen the initial impression about you that was created in the introduction. In an autobiography essay things are strictly individual. Use supporting details on what you have stated in the introduction, do not overwrite or include irrelevant information. The best advice here may be to keep it straightforward and simple. Use your own words, experience and thoughts. In an autobiography essay emotions are important but do not rely only on them, keep the essay logical and organized. Be optimistic and positive; it will create a good impression. End up with a good conclusion. The purpose of the conclusion is to create a sense of positivism and hope. The most important thing here is not to restate a single argument or story, but to create a whole positive picture about you and your future, and to create that kind of closure in the audience. Proofread your autobiography essay. Make sure your essay is free from grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, ensure it is written in a positive, logical and well organized manner. Ask for professional opinion before turning it it. Write intelligently with a positive outlook. Make sure your essay flows.

Friday, November 22, 2019

12 Crude But Funny South Park Quotes

12 Crude But Funny South Park Quotes South Park is not for the faint-hearted. It could offend the sensibilities of those who cant handle in-your-face, raucous humor. South Park humor is racist, sexist, chauvinistic, and offensive. Despite the vulgarity, South Park scores high with fans. What Makes South Park Such a Popular Series In the words of some die-hard South Park fans, it is the only intelligent show that takes jabs at hypocrisy and the pretentious world we live in. Be it politics, social structures, or family values, the animated series has something to say about everything. When you look at the world through the eyes of social misfits like Eric Cartman, you see how our beliefs are based on a bunch of misplaced values. South Park Characters Take for instance South Parks most loved (and most obnoxious) character, Eric Cartman. He resembles that kid at school whom everyone loves to hate. He is a narcissistic, foul-mouthed, devious kid who has little regard for society or people. Yet, Eric Cartman is known for his biting truth. Stan and Kyle are best friends, though they often disagree. Stan is a knowledgeable friend, and he often ponders life issues. Kyle is a Jewish boy, who, though proud of his roots, often displays self-doubt. Eric Cartmans anti-Semitic views are targeted to make Kyles life miserable. The whole TV series has profanity galore, with crude language, abusive words, and politically incorrect jokes that are projected as humor. Despite its negative energy, South Park has managed to create waves in viewership. South Parks debauched satire has won many awards, including five Primetime Emmy Awards and a Peabody Award. In 2013, TV Guide ranked South Park the 10th greatest TV cartoon of all time. Crude But Funny South Park Quotes   The humor is bizarre and often repugnant, but if you dont mind the politically incorrect language, you will have a wild time. Season 1, Episode 4: Big Gay Als Big Gay Boat Ride:Sportscaster Frank:  I havent seen an Englishman take a blow like that since Hugh Grant!Season 1, Episode 7: Pinkeye:Eric Cartman:  Kenny’s family is so poor that yesterday, they had to put their cardboard box up for a second mortgage.Season 1, Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000:Wendy: Dude, dolphins are intelligent and friendly!Eric Cartman: Intelligent and friendly on rye bread, with some mayonnaise.Season 5, Episode 11: The Entity:Jewish Kid: Is anyone else having problems concentrating on this? I just cant seem to concentrate.Eric Cartman: Maybe we should send you to a concentration camp.Season 10, Episode 7: Tsst!:Eric Cartman:  Ive lost almost 10 pounds now. You see what I mean? I totally know what its like to be a Jew in the Holocaust now.Season 4, Episode 6: Cherokee Hair Tampons:Eric Cartman:  Hippies. Theyre everywhere. They wanna save Earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.Bigger, Longer Uncut:Satan:  Without evil there could be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes. Season 17, Episode 10: The Hobbit:Stan:  There have been malicious rumors started at this elementary school that my beautiful fiancà ©e is a Hobbit. That is not funny and it is not true. Yes, she is heavier than most of her pictures show her to be. Yes, she gets her hair lasered off her body and yes, she has a friend named Gandalf, who happens to be a wizard.Season 16, Episode 12: A Nightmare on FaceTime:Eric Cartman:  Its Stans stupid Captain America costume, thats what throwing everybody off! Hows people supposed to get that Im the Hulk when Captain America is on freaking FaceTime?Season 1, Episode 4: Big Gay Als Big Gay Boat Ride:Chef:  You know what they say: You cant teach a gay dog straight tricks.Season 16, Episode 11: Going Native:Butters:  Youre all fake and stuck up, and none of you have the courage to tell Jimmy his jokes arent funny! The only kid here with a sense of dignity is Kenny, and the rest of you have heads up your butts!Season 4, Episode 3: Timmy 2000:MT V Announcer:  Youre watching MTV, the cool, brainwashing, 12-year-old-and-younger station that hides behind a slick image. Were so cool that we decide whats cool. And now MTV News. The news that is single-handedly dumbing-down our country, which is cool.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Security Access Control Methods Assignment

Information Security Access Control Methods - Assignment Example Passwords are granted to the end user for accessing their accounts. User access can be managed locally or by policies defined by the organization. It is a method of strengthening the network security by limiting the accessibility of network resources to communicating devices that fulfill with a proposed security policy. Network Access Control method restricts the end users from accessing particular resources within the network. (Helfrich, Frahim, Santos, & White, 2007, p. 396-397) A well planned network access control strategy includes anti-threat applications like anti-viruses, intrusion detection systems, spywares prevention programs, as well as access control lists (ACLs). It also shapes the individual access to particular resources, once connected. Access control for an OS establishes the process of implementing access level policies of the system’s resources satisfying the security policies of integrity, availability, and confidentiality. This procedure authorizes processes/users to carry out certain operation different resources of the operating system. It is method of securing information systems. It converts the information to some language that is only understandable by the user for whom it was ciphered. This process starts by ciphering the plain text to a cipher-text for scrambling the information into some cryptographic language. (Peltier, Peltier, & Blackley, 2005)The individual who performs the encryption and decryption is named as

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Phil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phil - Essay Example Based on Bacon’s idea we could substantially deduce the thought that initiating experiments is a must in order to learn something more about the nature’s secret. In fact, we learned more about genetic engineering and its associated human benefits for instance because scientists were able to initiate studies or experiments and are still on the continuing process of doing them, which according to Bacon’s discourse are form or means of disturbing or annoying nature just to unearth potential deeper learning or understanding about it. Descartes’ assertion on the other hand is focused on separting from the natural world and so to make precise measurement possible. It is about modifying physical process from one system of constraints to another (Descartes and Gaukroger 8). Just like Bacon, Descartes could still be referring to the inclusion of experimental process in order to make certain of the nature’s essential hidden information. It is only this way th at humans would be able to come up with a definite or precise explanation how everything is going on in the physical world. 2. What is the goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science? Articulate the goal itself, and why it is necessary human goal. Articulate how the goal shapes the new way of inquiry and its new starting point. The goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science is to uncover the secret of the nature. For them, this is a necessary human goal because it will lead to the betterment of life. The advancement of technology for instance has been made possible through consistent and existing scientific inquiry. Various technologies are able to give life’s comfort and even improvement of the humans’ way of living and this is because of the continuing quest to inquire the world and uncover the very secret that every human being should understand. Concerning this goal, Bacon and Descartes might be implying the fact that we need to be more a ggressive with our inquiry in order to promote the remarkable way of understanding the nature and even extend our power and dominion over the universe. Today, the new way of inquiry might have a strong relevance with the ideas of Bacon and Descartes. As the human technology advances, many things that are kept hidden before us from the past are momentarily revealed right before our eyes today. Science and technology are combined together in order to promote more dynamic output in the process of scientific inquiry. Research designs are formulated from time to time just to be able to acquire relevant information that would make sense prior to acquiring the appropriate inference. In other words, though the basic foundation implied from the ideas of Bacon and Descartes remains, what is very obvious is the fact that there are dynamic improvements or changes in the inquiry and its new starting point is revealed through the allocation of existing information and developed technologies. 3. F or Locke, what is the state of nature? How are liberty, equality and law found in the state of nature? In what way does Locke expect his reader to find his natural law teaching in this state â€Å"a strong doctrine†? Locke’s idea of the state of nature concerns with men who can reach order without being controlled by someone else. It is therefore a state of perfect freedom and equality, as every one lives together according to reason under the law of nature (McDowell 146). Under Locke’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Playing monopoly Essay Example for Free

Playing monopoly Essay Pretend to embrace a technology and become the major source for that technology like buy out the competitors. Declare it obsolete because your original way is better. Wait long enough for a technique or idea to be forgotten by the majority of people or just long enough that the majority of your followers are naive newbies. Bring out the old idea and present it as a new invention. For example, many things in Visual Studio . Net are presented as new ideas even though they have existed in RAD tools like Delphi for over a decade. Why this works? because the majority of new software geeks have no idea what Delphi is and didnt know that you could do everything exactly the way Microsoft claims you can in their â€Å"new† invention. It is very much clear about incidences that Microsoft has been unethical in its approaches. Rather that applying their own thoughts, most of the products they have released by copying ideas unethically from other competitor’s products. Rather than having the fair competition in the market Gates always tried to monopolize the market. Though all the monopoly has brought him profit but ethically Microsoft didn’t 2. Some of the characteristics of the market that created monopoly market that Microsoft’s operating system enjoyed are as follows: Incorporation of various Microsoft applications like Windows Digital Media Player and Internet Explorer in 1995 with its operating system gave an advantage to the company as this monopoly worked out for them. Users using Windows didn’t want themselves to get into trouble of purchasing a different browser and different Media Payer. Users were also not ready to pay extra money for buying other companies’ applications, as all those applications were readily available with Microsoft’s operating system. Every company was releasing their applications and operating systems in the market and every time Microsoft was able to know their programs. Using those programs Microsoft created monopoly in the market by releasing advanced version of competitors’ products. As when Navigator came in 1994, Microsoft launched Internet Explorer which was borrowed from Spyglass Inc. and made it similar to Navigator. It incorporated Internet Explorer with Windows. Media player was also incorporated in Windows. Sun Microsystems’s Java was also licensed to Microsoft first and then Microsoft built its own Microsoft java permitting Windows Users to be compatible with it. In the software industry users did not want to shift to new products or applications until proper training and workshops are organized. Microsoft’s used good PLAYING MONOPOLY: MICROSOFT Javier Ian Gonzalez Lopez 1449556 – 9zi strategies for training users. With the Installation disk, a proper tour of Windows is provided to facilitate user. Attorney General Janet Reno filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft in the court of Judge Thomas Jackson. Microsoft made the computer companies using Windows as their operating system not to license, distribute or promote competitive software products of other companies. It embedded Internet Explorer with Windows and thus demolished consumer freedom to go for any other Browser plus it also degraded windows performance. In the agreements with computer companies those using Windows, Microsoft wanted them to leave Internet Explorer as the default Web–Browser and didn’t allow installation of any other browser. The judge was having complete authority to take hard actions against Microsoft’s unethical business strategies. As per the case study it is evident that Microsoft has used various unethical business strategies to make their business profitable. Microsoft copied the copyright of Apple’s OS/2 and developed its own operating system on the same line. Moreover they forced users to use its Internet Explorer and digital media player. They suppressed the platform independent functionality of Sun’s Java by releasing Microsoft’s Java and making it cross platform language. In my view, government should not have sued Microsoft. Consumers were well satisfied by Windows which was evident from the market share of its use. So signing of agreement involves approval of computer companies and Microsoft and if computer companies have signed that agreement that means they weren’t having any problems and neither consumers upon implementing the agreement. So Microsoft just used a marketing strategy over here. Judge Jackson’s order was fair for the competitors as well as for the software industry because Microsoft has really invoked the monopoly situation in the market. It was essential to have fair competition in the market. As an operating system and applications are totally two different aspects and Microsoft should not club these two aspects. This order would have helped competitors and users to choose their favorite applications. From Microsoft’s point of view it was not the fair decision, as they never wish to separate their business into two domains. It was a marketing strategy adopted by Microsoft so that it can withstand with the PLAYING MONOPOLY: MICROSOFT Javier Ian Gonzalez Lopez 1449556 – 9zi competition. According to them it also facilitated consumers for not spending their money in buying other corresponding software and also playing a risk of installing and uninstalling. According to the settlement between Microsoft and DOJ, Microsoft was asked to share its application programming interface with other software rivals and to allow users to hide Internet Explorer icon from the screen. It was asked not to prevent other competitors programs to install on its operating system and not to retaliate against computer makers in releasing their products. This settlement was officially approved by Judge Kollar-Kotelly on November 1, 2003. The decision was really fair for the competitors as well as users. The decision has created free competitive market in the software industry. It allows users to use other available applications and allow them to hide icons which they do not want to use. From competitors point of view market became much more open to release more products with advanced technologies. This move also helped people to think out of Microsoft’s box and helped to showcase their technical skills. As a result various new operating systems with better performance than Windows like Linux, Suse, Monopoly of Microsoft’s operating system has harmed everyone from users to computer producers. Due to unavailability of fair market the users were bound to use Microsoft’s operating system and applications. They were unable to hide icons of the Microsoft’s applications from their operating system. From producer’s point of view, they were not free to launch Windows compatible applications due to unavailability of Windows application programming interface in the market. The competition became minimal in the market due to monopoly enjoyed by Microsoft. Due to monopoly in the market one single company Microsoft was holding maximum market share. It hampered the technical advancement and innovation in the market as well. Some of the following public policies could be used to deal with monopoly †¢Government should issue some standards for a given technology/system/product which should be followed by everyone in the industry. †¢Anti-monopoly law can be created to prevent monopoly to occur in the market. †¢Some policies can be incorporated in the system to motivate and encourage newly launched companies to increase the innovation in the market. PLAYING MONOPOLY: MICROSOFT Javier Ian Gonzalez Lopez 1449556 – 9zi †¢Some policies should be made to share information among the companies whose applications are inter dependant.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Behavioral Jealousy Essay -- Psychology, Behavior

Behavioral jealousy are actions that occur between an individual who is experiencing envious thoughts and how they internalize and react to the stimuli. Pfeiffer and Wong (1989) â€Å"conceptualize jealous behaviors as the detective/protective measures a person takes when relationship rivals (real or imaginary) are perceived. Detective actions include questioning, checking up on the partner, and searching the partner’s belongings† (p.183). Research suggests that behavioral jealousy is used to maintain relationships. Relationship maintenance refers to either positive or negative behaviors that occur between two individuals in order to maintain a healthy communicative balance. Dainton and Gross (2008) specifically discuss the repercussions that negative behaviors such as jealousy induction may have on relationship maintenance. For instance utilizing negative maintenance behaviors such as jealousy to react to a relationship is negatively associated with relationship satisfaction. This research is tied in with the idea of social support and how individual respond to their partners. Researchers agree that jealousy in relationships can have a negative impact, yet also enhance romantic feelings and satisfaction based on how jealousy is initially communicated (Dainton & Gross, 2008; Yoshimura, 2004). â€Å"An essential idea behind this study is that the ways in which jealous individuals communicate their jealousy influence how the target communicatively responds. The results showed that targets of jealousy expressions most strongly respond in the style of the initial expression† (Yoshimura, 2004, p. 95). The way jealousy is expressed initially based on attitude and mood can affect the response of the partner and at shaping and guiding the relat... ...e a parallel correlation from offline jealousy behaviors. Groothof, Dijkstra, and Barelds (2009) suggest that â€Å"as for offline acts of infidelity, men compared to women are more upset by a mates sexual infidelity over the Internet, whereas women, more than men, are more upset by a mate’s emotional infidelity over the Internet† (p.1126). Research also suggests that besides socio-cultural and evolutionary jealousy based on gender differentiation; further research should focus on individual’s cognitive social perspective pertaining to jealousy emotion. Harris (2002) suggest that â€Å"individuals clearly vary in their susceptibility to feelings of jealousy†¦the degree of jealousy will be determined by the appraisals people make regarding the seriousness of a threat† (p.11). With that said, further research on sexual jealousy triggers should be further investigated.

Monday, November 11, 2019

African American Athletes Essay

American student athletes have always faced stereotypes in and out of the classroom, being seen as self-segregating or â€Å"dumb jocks† that really wouldn’t be at school if it weren’t for their athletic ability. Although these stereotypes are applied to both white and black athletes, African American students, especially men, feel it more than their white counterparts. African Americans are already, for the most part, seen as intellectually inferior, so when they are seen in an academic environment they are automatically judged. If they didn’t get into school just for being black, they got into school for being a black athlete. Excuses are made as to why African American student athletes and pro athletes dominate in the world of sports in general. From the time the black athlete stepped into the sports arena and began to compete with whites, white people have been looking for an explanation. In his article Sailes looks into the myths and stereotypes surrounding African American athletes, most of which have been created by whites. In loosely replicated the experiment that Sailes conducted with his students and in doing so I found that the stereotypes he discusses do exist and many people strongly believe in some of the myths. I interviewed both male and female athletes and non-athletes alike and surprisingly most of their answers to my questions were the same. I asked them all the same five questions; 1. Do you think African Americans dominate in sports? 2. Which Sports? 3. Are there certain positions they are better at? 4. Why? 5. Is their demeanor on the field or court different than that of a white athlete? and 6. Have you heard any myths about why black athletes are better? Interviewee #1, A white female on the basketball team at Gettysburg College felt that black athletes were better at all sports and in all positions, but particularly in basketball and football. She has learned from experience that black athletes are more loud and aggressive. It was her belief that African Americans are better at sports because of genetics. She also said that it could be because historically they have done hard labor and had menial jobs, so their physical condition has evolved. The one myth she has heard is that African Americans have an extra bone in their leg which makes them capable of jumping higher and running faster. Interviewee # 2, an African American football player stated that blacks are better at all sports, but especially football, in such positions as cornerback, running back, and wide receiver. When asked why he felt that this is true his answer was â€Å"because we’re just nasty like that. † In regards to myths he recalled one of his high school classmates expressing to him that the reason blacks were better was because they still had some monkey left in them. Interviewee # 3, a white college graduate, non-athlete articulated that blacks are better at any sport they try but not in any positions that require brain power or thought. He said that they are not usually good quarterbacks because they aren’t smart enough. When I asked him why, his response was, â€Å"because they are dumb N’s†. He believes that they become athletes because they have no other options to get a job or get rich, unless they can rap. He also stated that the reason they can run so fast is because they are used to running from the cops. Interviewee # 4, A white male who is a former athlete said that he believes that African Americans are superior in all sports except for lacrosse and hockey, and that the reason for this is because they are much more expensive to start up and maintain- as opposed to soccer/football/basketball where all you need is a ball really. He thinks black people on the whole start out life economically feeble compared to whites and believes in the myth that they have been evolved into more muscular and stronger people because of the process of natural selection during slavery where the slave owners bought the biggest and strongest, and they’re offspring are the ones that created the people that are dominating in sports now. My last interviewee was a female African American basketball player who felt that African Americans dominate in football and basketball because it is the only sport they want to play so they strive for it. She also said that blacks are more aggressive because it means more to them. In the majority of my interviews the participants mentioned what Sailes referred to as the Mandingo Theory, in which the physical superiority of African Americans is attributed to the selection and so called breeding process along with the manual labor performed during the days of slavery. The psychological and dumb jock theories were also articulated in the answers I received from the white students for they all said at some point or another during the interview that African Americans are intellectually inferior and all they have going for them is sports, and even in the world of sports there are positions that they are mentally incapable of occupying. The one thing that I believe all the participants agreed on both black and white is that African Americans are somehow genetically different. I was really taken aback by my findings. Even though I have learned throughout this semester that people are more racist than I ever thought they were, I didn’t realize that this racism is existent in literally everything. I’m not really into sports and do not pay attention to them, so I had no idea that people felt this way about African American athletes. So, it seems as though African Americans are battling this war on racism on yet another front.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bloom’s Taxonomy Essay

The Bloom’s Wheel, according to the Bloom’s verbs and matching assessment types. The verbs are intended to be feasible and measurable. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom who also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals[1] (referred to as simply â€Å"the Handbook† below). Although named after Bloom, the publication followed a series of conferences from 1949 to 1953, which were designed to improve communication between educators on the design of curricula and examinations.[2][3] It refers to a classification of the different objectives that educators set for students (learning objectives). Bloom’s Taxonomy divides educational objectives into three â€Å"domains†: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor (sometimes loosely described asknowing/head, feeling /heart and doing/hands respectively). Within the domains, learning at the higher levels is dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and skills at lower levels.[4] A goal of Bloom’s Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education.[1] A revised version of the taxonomy was created in 2000.[5][6][7] Bloom’s Taxonomy is considered to be a foundational and essential element within the education community as evidenced in the 1981 survey Significant writings that have influenced the curriculum: 1906-1981, by H.G. Shane and the 1994 yearbook of theNational Society for the Study of Education. A mythology has grown around the taxonomy, possibly due to many people learning about the taxonomy through second hand information. Bloom himself considered the Handbook,[1] â€Å"One of the most widely cited yet least read books in American education.†[3] Key to understanding the taxonomy and its revisions, variations, and addenda over the years is an understanding that the original Handbook[1] in 1956 was intended only to have focus on one of the three domains (as indicated in the domain specification in title: The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I: Cognitive Domain), but there was expectation that additional material would be generated for the other domains (as indicated in the numbering of the handbook in the title). The second volume, Handbook II: Affective Domain edited by David Krathwohl was published in 1964.[8] There was no Handbook of and III for the Psychomotor domain published by the committee as the consensus was that (as college level academics) they lacked the necessary experience to do the job properly.[3] Substitute domain taxonomies have been published by various authors to fill the gap.. Bloom also considered the initial effort to be a starting point, as evidenced in a memorandum from 1971 in which he said, â€Å"Ideally each major field should have its own taxonomy in its own language – more detailed, closer to the special language and thinking of its experts, reflecting its own appropriate sub-divisions and levels of education, with possible new categories, combinations of categories and omitting categories as appropriate.†[5] Cognitive Categories in the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) Skills in the cognitive domain revolve around knowledge, comprehension, and critical thinking of a particular topic. Traditional education tends to emphasize the skills in this domain, particularly the lower-order objectives. There are six levels in the taxonomy, moving through the lowest order processes to the highest: ]Knowledge Exhibit memory of previously learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers * Knowledge of specifics – terminology, specific facts * Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics – conventions, trends and sequences, classifications and categories, criteria, methodology * Knowledge of the universals and abstractions in a field – principles and generalizations, theories and structures Questions like: What are the health benefits of eating apples? Comprehension Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas * Translation * Interpretation * Extrapolation Questions like: Compare the health benefits of eating apples vs. orange. Application Using new knowledge. Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way Questions like: Which kinds of apples are best for baking a pie, and why? Analysis Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations * Analysis of elements * Analysis of relationships * Analysis of organizational principles Questions like: List four ways of serving foods made with apples and explain which ones have the highest health benefits. Provide references to support your statements. Synthesis Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions * Production of a unique communication * Production of a plan, or proposed set of operations * Derivation of a set of abstract relations Questions like: Convert an â€Å"unhealthy† recipe for apple pie to a â€Å"healthy† recipe by replacing your choice of ingredients. Explain the health benefits of using the ingredients you chose vs. the original ones. Evaluation Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria * Judgments in terms of internal evidence * Judgments in terms of external criteria Questions like: Do you feel that serving apple pie for an after school snack for children is healthy? Affective Skills in the affective domain describe the way people react emotionally and their ability to feel another living thing’s pain or joy. Affective objectives typically target the awareness and growth inattitudes, emotion, and feelings. There are five levels in the affective domain moving through the lowest order processes to the highest: Receiving The lowest level; the student passively pays attention. Without this level no learning can occur. Responding The student actively participates in the learning process, not only attends to a stimulus; the student also reacts in some way. Valuing The student attaches a value to an object, phenomenon, or piece of information. Organizing The student can put together different values, information, and ideas and accommodate them within his/her own schema; comparing, relating and elaborating on what has been learned. Characterizing The student holds a particular value or belief that now exerts influence on his/her behaviour so that it becomes a characteristic. Psychomotor Skills in the psychomotor domain describe the ability to physically manipulate a tool or instrument like a hand or a hammer. Psychomotor objectives usually focus on change and/or development in behavior and/or skills. Bloom and his colleagues never created subcategories for skills in the psychomotor domain, but since then other educators have created their own psychomotor taxonomies.[12] Simpson (1972) among other contributors, such as Harrow (1972) and Dave (1967), created a Psychomotor Taxonomy that helps to explain the behavior of typical learners or high performance athletes. The proposed levels are: Perception The ability to use sensory cues to guide motor activity. This ranges from sensory stimulation, through cue selection, to translation. Examples: Detects non-verbal communication cues. Estimate where a ball will land after it is thrown and then moving to the correct location to catch the ball. Adjusts heat of stove to correct temperature by smell and taste of food. Adjusts the height of the forks on a forklift by comparing where the forks are in relation to the pallet. Key Words: chooses, describes, detects, differentiates, distinguishes, identifies, isolates, relates, selects. Set Readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional sets. These three sets are dispositions that predetermine a person’s response to different situations (sometimes called mindsets). Examples: Knows and acts upon a sequence of steps in a manufacturing process. Recognize one’s abilities and limitations. Shows desire to learn a new process (motivation). NOTE: This subdivision of Psychomotor is closely related with the â€Å"Responding to phenomena† subdivision of the Affective domain. Key Words: begins, displays, explains, moves, proceeds, reacts, shows, states, volunteers. Guided Response The early stages in learning a complex skill that includes imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of performance is achieved by practicing. Examples: Performs a mathematical equation as demonstrated. Follows instructions to build a model. Responds to hand-signals of instructor while learning to operate a forklift. Key Words: copies, traces, follows, react, reproduce, responds Mechanism This is the intermediate stage in learning a complex skill. Learned responses have become habitual and the movements can be performed with some confidence and proficiency. Examples: Use a personal computer. Repair a leaking faucet. Drive a car. Key Words: assembles, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes, sketches. Complex Overt Response The skillful performance of motor acts that involve complex movement patterns. Proficiency is indicated by a quick, accurate, and highly coordinated performance, requiring a minimum of energy. This category includes performing without hesitation, and automatic performance. For example, players will often utter sounds of satisfaction or expletives as soon as they hit a tennis ball or throw a football, because they can tell by the feel of the act what the result will produce. Examples: Maneuvers a car into a tight parallel parking spot. Operates a computer quickly and accurately. Displays competence while playing the piano. Key Words: assembles, builds, calibrates, constructs, dismantles, displays, fastens, fixes, grinds, heats, manipulates, measures, mends, mixes, organizes, sketches. NOTE: The Key Words are the same as Mechanism, but will have adverbs or adjectives that indicate that the performance is quicker, better, more accurate, etc. Adaptation Skills are well developed and the individual can modify movement patterns to fit special requirements. Examples: Responds effectively to unexpected experiences. Modifies instruction to meet the needs of the learners. Perform a task with a machine that it was not originally intended to do (machine is not damaged and there is no danger in performing the new task). Key Words: adapts, alters, changes, rearranges, reorganizes, revises, varies. Origination Creating new movement patterns to fit a particular situation or specific problem. Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based upon highly developed skills. Examples: Constructs a new theory. Develops a new and comprehensive training programming. Creates a new gymnastic routine. Key Words: arranges, builds, combines, composes, constructs, creates, designs, initiate, makes, originates. Definition of Knowledge In the appendix to Handbook I, there is a definition of knowledge which serves as the apex for an alternative, summary classification of the educational goals. This is significant as the Taxonomy has been called upon significantly in other fields such as knowledge management, potentially out of context â€Å"| Knowledge, as defined here, involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting. (Bloom et al. 1956 p 201)| †| The taxonomy is set out: * 1.00 Knowledge * 1.10 Knowledge of Specifics * 1.11 Knowledge of Terminology * 1.12 Knowledge of Specific Facts * 1.20 Knowledge of Ways and Means of Dealing with Specifics * 1.21 Knowledge of Conventions * 1.22 Knowledge of Trends and Sequences * 1.23 Knowledge of Classifications and Categories * 1.24 Knowledge of Criteria * 1.25 Knowledge of Methodology * 1.30 Knowledge of The Universals and Abstractions in a Field * 1.31 Knowledge of Principles and Generalizations * 1.32 Knowledge of Theories and Structures (Bloom et al. 1956 p 201-204) Criticism of the Taxonomy As Morshead pointed out on the publication of the second volume, the classification wasn’t a properly constructed taxonomy, as it lacked a systemic rationale of construction. This was subsequently acknowledged in the discussion of the original taxonomy by Krathwohl et al. in the revision of the taxonomy and the taxonomy reestablished on more systematic lines. It is generally considered that the role the taxonomy played in systematising a field was more important than any perceived lack of rigour in its construction. Some critiques of Bloom’s Taxonomy’s (cognitive domain) admit the existence of these six categories, but question the existence of a sequential, hierarchical link. Also the revised edition of Bloom’s taxonomy has moved Synthesis in higher order than Evaluation. Some consider the three lowest levels as hierarchically ordered, but the three higher levels as parallel. Others say that it is sometimes better to move to Application before introducing concepts[citation needed]. This thinking would seem to relate to the method of problem-based learning.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

ImproveACop - Programming Development Proposal

ImproveACop - Programming Development Proposal Introduction Improve A Cop (or I.A.C for short) is intended to be an arcade style police training simulation. Through the use of different props such as coloured discs and exploding bombs, the game attempts to provide an enjoyable environment while developing hand-eye co-ordination and decision making skills. The system is not only restricted to current and potential police officers, children will enjoy playing the game while sub-concisely improving their skills.I.A.C essentially presents the player with a number of different scenarios such as shooting a number of bombs within a timelimit, practicing shooting eggs as they bounce around the screen and differentiating between civilian and criminal before shooting in a simulation environment. As these missions are completed the "officer's"‚  rank increases providing a basis for score and competition.Human Computer Interface There will be an attempt to create a neat and uniform display featuring consistent items such as score disp lay, lives count and a menu bar.English: Kniffel Score Sheet in Lichtenrade Versio...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

PADILLA Surname Meaning, Origin and Genealogy

PADILLA Surname Meaning, Origin and Genealogy Padilla is a Spanish geographical or locational surname, originating from a number of different villages of that name, from the Spanish padilla, meaning saucepan or bread pan, which in turn derived from the Latin patella, a diminutive of patina, or shallow dish. In this sense, the word was used topographically to describe a village built in a gentle depression. Padilla is the 57th most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin Spanish Alternate Surname Spellings PADILLO, PADILA, PADILO, DE PADILLA, DE PADILLO Famous People With the Surname PADILLA Josà © Padilla - Spanish composer and pianistLeonard Padilla - American bounty hunterErnesto Padilla – Cuban-American artist and cigar makerHeberto Padilla - Cuban poet and father of Ernesto Padilla Where do People With the Padilla Surname Live? According to Public Profiler: World Names the majority of individuals with the Padilla surname live in Spain, followed by larger concentrations in Argentina and the United States, plus small populations in France and Canada. Public Profiler doesnt include information from all countries, however, including Mexico and Venezuela. Genealogy Resources for the Surname PADILLA 100 Common Hispanic Surnames Their MeaningsGarcia, Martinez, Rodriguez, Lopez, Hernandez... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of these top 100 common Hispanic last names? - Padilla Genealogy Records (free trial or subscription required)Thousands of records for individuals with the Padilla surname can be found on the subscription website, including births, marriages, census, immigration and military records. PADILLA Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Padilla surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Padilla query. FamilySearch - PADILLA GenealogyFind records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Padilla surname and its variations. PADILLA Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Padilla surname. Cousin Connect - PADILLA Genealogy QueriesRead or post genealogy queries for the surname Padilla, and sign up for free notification when new Padilla queries are added. - PADILLA Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Padilla. You can read more about interesting surname origins and meanings here.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Finance 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance 2 - Essay Example sales and purchase agreements or decisions in the ‘futures market to develop a known price level’ and mainly ‘to offset the risk exposure and to limit themselves from any price fluctuations’. ( Although the future and forward hedging through future and forward contracts respectively are almost similar in nature yet there is one main difference between the two. Forward Contracts are made for fairly large transactions whereas future contracts are reached for smaller amounts. The large organizations such as multinational or supranational companies, large financial or investor groups may involve themselves in forward contract hedge. Monet market Hedge is an internal hedging technique which refers to â€Å"borrowing and lending transactions to eradicate currency risk by locking the particular variables related to foreign exchange and cash equivalents.† (Kofi Bofah) Currency Option is another instrument utilized by investors or corporations to hedge against negative fluctuations, volatility or movements in foreign exchange rates. In simple words, I can say that Currency Option is an agreement through which the holder f currency has the ‘right to involve in buying or selling of currency at a specified time period.’ For instance, in our case, Hybat Corporation can hedge against foreign currency risk by purchasing a currency option put or call. If it believes that USD/HUF rate is going to fall from 250 to 200 meaning that it will become more expensive for US Hybat to convert its export revenues from HUF to Dollar and send it to its parent company so Hybat would want to buy a ‘put option’. Similarly, if the rate is going to increase from 181 to 200, then Hybat would want to buy a â€Å"call option on USD/HUF so that  it could  stand to gain from an increase in the exchange rate† (or the  USD rise). ( You must independently justify the credit rating for each category given. That is, if you use these catagories, they